Polarized Raman spectroscopy of corrugated MBE grown GaAs (6̄3̄1̄) homoepitaxial films
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In this work, we present a Raman scattering study of GaAs layers grown on (6̄3̄1̄)-oriented substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. A set of samples whose morphology sustained different corrugation order were grown by MBE by varying the growth parameters such as temperature and As/Ga flux ratio. We employed polarized Raman spectroscopy using the backscattering configurations Z(XX) Z̄, Z(XY) Z̄ and Z(YY)Z. According to the calculated dipole selection rules both TO and LO phonons are allowed for backscattering from a perfect GaAs (6̄3̄1̄) crystal, but with the intensity of the TO phonon much larger than that of the LO phonon. However, it is found that the selection rules differ for corrugated samples. Besides, the TO/LO phonon resonances intensity ratio and the LO peak asymmetry depend on the corrugation order of the samples. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Atomic force microscopy; Molecular beam epitaxy; Nanostructures; Semiconducting gallium arsenide; Surface structure Atomic force microscopy; Backscattering; Crystal atomic structure; Epitaxial growth; Molecular beam epitaxy; Molecular beams; Nanostructures; Phonons; Raman scattering; Raman spectroscopy; Semiconducting gallium; Semiconducting gallium arsenide; Surface structure; Flux ratio; Growth parameters; Homoepitaxial films; Intensity ratio; Peak asymmetry; Phonon resonance; Polarized raman spectroscopy; Selection Rules; Gallium arsenide
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