publisher of
- Agriculture (Switzerland)
- Animals
- Antioxidants
- Applied Sciences
- Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
- Atmosphere
- Axioms
- Axioms
- Bioengineering
- Biology
- Biosensors
- Buildings
- Cells
- Chemosensors
- Children (Basel)
- Crystals
- Dentistry Journal
- Diagnostics
- Diseases
- Electronics
- Electronics (Switzerland)
- Energies
- Entropy
- European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education
- Fermentation
- Foods
- Forests
- Future Internet
- Healthcare (Switzerland)
- Heritage
- Horticulturae
- Insects
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- Inventions
- Journal of Functional Biomaterials
- Journal of Fungi
- Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
- Land
- Life
- Machines
- Marine Drugs
- Materials
- Materials
- Mathematics
- Membranes
- Metabolites
- Metals
- Methods and Protocols
- Micromachines
- Micromachines
- Microorganisms
- Microorganisms
- Minerals
- Molecules
- Nanomaterials
- Non-coding RNA
- Nutrients
- Pharmaceuticals
- Pharmaceutics
- Photonics
- Plants
- Plants
- Polymers
- Processes
- Remote Sensing
- Sensors
- Sensors
- Sustainability (Switzerland)
- Toxics
- Urban Science
- Vaccines
- Veterinary Sciences
- Viruses
- Water (Switzerland)
- World Electric Vehicle Journal