selected publications
- On the Strategic Complementarity of Skilled Workers and Technological Innovation: Which Determines Which?. Studies in Microeconomics. :-. 2021-01-01
- Free mobility of capital and labor force in a two-country model: The dynamic game. Journal of Dynamics and Games. 6:179-194. 2019-01-01
- Corruption driven by imitative behavior. Economics Letters. 117:84-87. 2012-01-01
- The Evolutionary Game Of Poverty Traps. Manchester School. 80:381-400. 2012-01-01
- Emergence of long run behaviours in a game theoretic setting with host and guest populations: Residents and tourists [Emergencia de comportamientos de largo plazo en un ambiente de juego teĆ³rico con poblaciones locales e invitadas: Residentes y turistas]. Papeles de Poblacion. 23-39. 2008-01-01
- Preservation of environmental quality and tourist investments. European Journal of Tourism Research. 1:4-15. 2008-01-01
- Second homes: The effects on social welfare of a change on the valuation of individual opportunity cost. Anatolia. 18:85-96. 2007-01-01
- The effects on environmental investment of changes in tourism demand. Tourismos. 2:129-140. 2007-01-01
- A co-evolutionary model for human capital and innovative firms. Games and Dynamics in Economics: Essays in Honor of Akio Matsumoto. 17-32. 2020-01-01
conference paper
- On the dynamics and effects of corruption on environmental protection. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. 23-41. 2014-01-01
- Evolutionarily stable strategies and replicator dynamics in asymmetric two-population games. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics. 25-35. 2011-01-01