publication venue for Editorial, January 2021: COVID-19 is here. What comes next?. 22:1-2-. 2021-01-01 Hoping for a better future. 22:218-218-. 2021-01-01 Neurological disease and behavioral changes in the human being. 22:132-133-. 2021-01-01 Very-early Guillain-Barre syndrome: Clinical characteristics, electrophysiological findings, and short-term functional outcome. 22:173-179-. 2021-01-01 Concurrent validity of the short-form BIA of the battery III by correlation with the short-form IQ of the WISC-IV [Validez concurrente del formato corto BIA de la bateriá III por correlación con el formato corto de Crawford CIT del WISC-IV]. 15:133-137. 2014-01-01 Meningeal coccidioidomycosis: Case report and literature review [Coccidioidomicosis meníngea: Reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura]. 15:224-228. 2014-01-01 Typographic legibility factors associated with reading epilepsy [Factores de legibilidad tipográfica asociados con epilepsia de la lectura]. 14:68-75. 2013-01-01 Conditioning factors in the development of depressive episodes in university students: A perspective from Dorothea Orem [Factores condicionantes en el desarrollo de episodios depresivos en universitarios: Una perspectiva desde Dorothea Orem]. 12:195-199. 2011-01-01 Delta-sarcoglycanopathy: Case report and review of literature [Delta-sarcoglicanopatía: Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura]. 12:-. 2011-01-01 Risk factors, causes, and outcome in stroke types in Mexico. The RENAMEVASC Study [Factores de riesgo, causas y pronóstico de los tipos de enfermedad vascular cerebral en México: Estudio RENAMEVASC]. 12:224-234. 2011-01-01 Topiramate vs. Amitriptyline in prophylactic treatment of migraine: A controlled clinical trial. 11:338-342. 2010-01-01 Irreversible modifications of chromatin and the nuclear lamina: A review inside the nuclear origin of Alzheimer's disease 2021-01-01 Spinal arteriovenous malformations 2021-01-01 Statesmen with epilepsy [Estadistas con epilepsia] 2012-01-01 Rational pharmacotherapy in epilepsy [Farmacoterapia racional en epilepsia] 2011-01-01