Conference Paper RDF
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- Viticulture under climate change impact: Future climate and irrigation modelling
- VLC network topology design for seamless communication in a urban tunnel
- VLSI architecture for an object change detector for visual sensors
- Voltage harmonic cancellation in single-phase systems using a series active filter with a low-order controller
- Voltage sag compensation in high-quality AC/DC converters using the single-phase DQ theory
- Volume Based Opportunistic Interference Alignment over Correlated MIMO IBC
- Vortex-induced enhancement of heat transfer in a thermal boundary layer
- W-Shape nanodiode controlled by surface states for THz detection
- Wave propagation in planar antennas at THz frequencies
- Wavelength-tunable figure-eight Erbium-doped fiber laser with a Sagnac fiber filter
- Wavelet singularity analysis for CAP sleep delineation
- What is programming? Putting all together- A set of skills required
- Where do i look now? Gaze allocation during visually guided manipulation
- White matter injury in a newborn rat model analyzed with Resting-State Optical Imaging of Intrinsic Signals (rsOIS)
- Wide area control in electric power systems incorporating FACTS controllers: Review
- Wild rodents (Dipodomys merriami) used as biomonitors in contaminated mining sites
- Wind resource assessment in the surroundings of San Luis Potosi, Mexico
- Wind speed forecasting using genetic programming
- Zoning map of ground failure risk due to land subsidence of San Luis Potosí, Mexico
- β̄ Phase decomposition in Zn-22mass%25Al and Zn-22 mass%25Al-2 mass%25Cu alloys at room temperature
- π0 form factor and K → π νν¯ at NA62