Conference Paper RDF
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- Modular multilevel BTB converter with parallel cells
- Modulenet: A convolutional neural network for stereo vision
- Molecular dynamics study of bimetallic nanoparticles: The case of Au x Cu y alloy clusters
- Molecular films based on polythiophene and fullerol: Theoretical and experimental studies
- Molecular identification of the NCX isoform expressed in tracheal smooth muscle of Guinea pig
- Monitoring harmonic distortion in microgrids using dynamic mode decomposition
- Monitoring Improvement on Reactive, Proactive and Hybrid Protocols of Wireless Sensor Networks
- Monte Carlo simulations of the electrical double layer forces in the presence of divalent electrolyte solutions: Effect of the ion size
- More on algebraic properties of the discrete Fourier transform raising and lowering operators
- Morphological characterization of Opuntia spp.: A multivariate analysis
- Moyal product for (n - 1)-forms within the covariant Hamiltonian formalism for fields
- Multi scale recurrence quantification analysis for clustering harmonics on microgrid systems
- Multi-motor synchronization technique applied in traction devices
- Multi-objective optimisation in time series: Time delay agreement
- Multi-wavelength modelling for VLC indoor channels using Montecarlo simulation
- Multi-wavelength ring fiber laser cavity based on loop modal fiber optic interferometer
- Multichannel holograms with some applications in image processing
- Multicomponent Sb-based solid solutions grown from Sb-rich liquid phases
- Multilevel cascade inverter with voltage and current output regulated using a passivity-based controller
- Multiloop controller for N-stage cascade boost converter
- Multiobjective composite material design using the variable fidelity model management optimization framework
- Multiple fault detection through information entropy analysis in ASD-fed induction motors
- Multiple fault diagnosis in variable speed drives through current measurements
- Multipolarized nanoantenna-based infrared pixel
- Multisensor data fusion schemes for wireless sensor networks
- Multisensor data fusion schemes for wireless sensor networks
- Multispectral Imaging for Hemoglobin Estimation by PCA
- Multiuser MIMO downlink transmission using spatial modulation
- Multiuser MIMO downlink transmission using spatial modulation
- Multiuser scheme for indoor visible light communications using RGB LEDs