selected publications
- Design of a Low-Power Embedded System Based on a SoC-FPGA and the Honeybee Search Algorithm for Real-Time Video Tracking. Sensors. 22:-. 2022-01-01
- Fault Diagnosis Based on Machine Learning for the High Frequency Link of a Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Converter for a Wide Range of Irradiance Conditions. IEEE Access. 9:151209-151220. 2021-01-01
- Computational forecasting methodology for acute respiratory infectious disease dynamics. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17:1-20. 2020-01-01
- Identification of HIV-1 Vif Protein Attributes Associated with CD4 T Cell Numbers and Viral Loads Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms. IEEE Access. 8:87214-87227. 2020-01-01
- Ontology for knowledge condensation to support expertise location in the code phase during software development process. IET Software. 14:234-241. 2020-01-01
- Risk assessment methodology for trajectory planning in keyhole neurosurgery using genetic algorithms. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 16:-. 2020-01-01
- Kernel regression estimates of time delays between gravitationally lensed fluxes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 459:573-584. 2016-01-01
- KIR Genes and Patterns Given by the A Priori Algorithm: Immunity for Haematological Malignancies. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. 2015:-. 2015-01-01
- Support vector machine algorithms in the search of KIR gene associations with disease. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 43:2053-2062. 2013-01-01
- Activity inference for ambient intelligence through handling artifacts in a healthcare environment. Sensors. 12:1072-1099. 2012-01-01
- Parallel approach for time series analysis with general regression neural networks. Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 10:162-179. 2012-01-01
- Uncovering delayed patterns in noisy and irregularly sampled time series: An astronomy application. Pattern Recognition. 43:1165-1179. 2010-01-01
- How accurate are the time delay estimates in gravitational lensing?. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 454:695-706. 2006-01-01
conference paper
- Fruit classification for retail stores using deep learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 3-13. 2020-01-01
- Modulenet: A convolutional neural network for stereo vision. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 219-228. 2020-01-01
- Building a user oriented application for generic source code metrics extraction from a metrics framework. Proceedings - 2016 4th International Conference in Software Engineering Research and Innovation, CONISOFT 2016. 27-32. 2016-01-01
- Multi-objective optimisation in time series: Time delay agreement. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI 2011. 439-443. 2011-01-01
- Software quality in terms of academic progress of developers. SEKE 2011 - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. A5-A6. 2011-01-01
- Service-oriented architecture for prevention of nosocomial infections. WMSCI 2010 - The 14th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Proceedings. 138-141. 2010-01-01
- Analysis of time series with artificial neural networks. 7th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Proceedings of the Special Session, MICAI 2008. 131-137. 2008-01-01
- Evolved kernel method for time series. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 559-569. 2007-01-01
- A kernel-based approach to estimating phase shifts between irregularly sampled time series: An application to gravitational lenses. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 614-621. 2006-01-01
- Intelligent and robust method for shape recognition. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference. Applied Informatics. 782-788. 2004-01-01