publication venue for Water supply: Management of water sources in the city of San Luis Potosí (México), 1831-1887 [Agua y abastecimiento: Gestión de cuerpos de agua en la ciudad de San Luis Potosí (México), 1831-1887]. 7:60-98. 2015-01-01 Editorial [Editorial]. 7:10-12. 2015-01-01 Indigenous appropriation of an infernal punishment image at the ixquimilpan convent (Hidalgo, Mexico) [Apropriação indígena de uma imagem de castigo infernal no convento de Ixmiquilpan (Hidalgo, México)] [Apropiación indígena de una imagen de castigo infernal en el convento de Ixmiquilpan (Hidalgo, México)] 2020-01-01 Interview with Álvaro Matute Aguirre: Sometimes we have to fight against the imposition of fashions to follow, that they forget the good traditions we have... [Entrevista a Álvaro Matute Aguirre, Profesor Emérito, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México] 2015-01-01