Giant reflectance anisotropy of polar cubic semiconductors in the far infrared
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We present our measurements and model for the reflectancre anisotropy of the (001) surface of polar cubic zinc-blende semiconductor in the far infrared. We observe that the relative reflectance difference of GaAs(001) in the far infrared can reach the value of twenty percents which is two orders of magnitude higher than the reflectance difference of the GaAs(001) in the near-ultraviolet - visible range. The most strong reflectance anisotropy was observed in the optical phonon Reststrahlbande and its vicinity. We relate the observed reflectance anisotropy with the anisotropy of the optical-phonon and plasma damping constants. Such anisotropy can be caused by anisotropic inhomogeneous broadening of the frequencies of the optical-phonon and plasma oscillations polarized respectively along the and directions. This effect can be understood in terms of the lattice-deformation-induced changes of the optical-phonon force constants and electron-effective-mass tensor components. Anisotropic inhomogeneous strain of the lattice can in turn be induced by anisotropic microscopic short-range ordering of point defects (dopants) and dislocations in near-surface regions of noncentrosymmentric zinc-blende semiconductors. The observed giant reflectance anisotropy can be used as a sensitive tool for the far infrared characterization of zinc-blende semiconductors. © 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH %26 Co. KGaA.
We present our measurements and model for the reflectancre anisotropy of the (001) surface of polar cubic zinc-blende semiconductor in the far infrared. We observe that the relative reflectance difference of GaAs(001) in the far infrared can reach the value of twenty percents which is two orders of magnitude higher than the reflectance difference of the GaAs(001) in the near-ultraviolet - visible range. The most strong reflectance anisotropy was observed in the optical phonon Reststrahlbande and its vicinity. We relate the observed reflectance anisotropy with the anisotropy of the optical-phonon and plasma damping constants. Such anisotropy can be caused by anisotropic inhomogeneous broadening of the frequencies of the optical-phonon and plasma oscillations polarized respectively along the and directions. This effect can be understood in terms of the lattice-deformation-induced changes of the optical-phonon force constants and electron-effective-mass tensor components. Anisotropic inhomogeneous strain of the lattice can in turn be induced by anisotropic microscopic short-range ordering of point defects (dopants) and dislocations in near-surface regions of noncentrosymmentric zinc-blende semiconductors. The observed giant reflectance anisotropy can be used as a sensitive tool for the far infrared characterization of zinc-blende semiconductors. © 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
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Damping constants; Inhomogeneous broadening; Near surface regions; Orders of magnitude; Reflectance differences; Short range ordering; Tensor components; Zincblende semiconductors; Gallium arsenide; Lattice constants; Optical lattices; Phonons; Plasma oscillations; Point defects; Reflection; Semiconducting gallium; Zinc; Anisotropy
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