selected publications
- Determination of the denaturation temperature of the Spike protein S1 of SARS-CoV-2 (2019 nCoV) by Raman spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 264:-. 2022-01-01
- Serum zinc levels are associated with obesity and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in Mexican adults. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 73:-. 2022-01-01
- Computational and experimental analysis of gold nanorods in terms of their morphology: Spectral absorption and local field enhancement. Nanomaterials. 11:-. 2021-01-01
- Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and its S and N proteins using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. RSC Advances. 11:25788-25794. 2021-01-01
- Thermal impedance analysis of nano-dipole linear arrays for energy harvesting applications. Infrared Physics and Technology. 107:-. 2020-01-01
- Semiconductor behavior of pentagonal silver nanowires measured under mechanical deformation. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 21:-. 2019-01-01
- Design of a cathodoluminescence image generator using a Raspberry Pi coupled to a scanning electron microscope. Review of Scientific Instruments. 89:-. 2018-01-01
- Silver/zinc oxide self-assembled nanostructured bolometer. Infrared Physics and Technology. 81:266-270. 2017-01-01
- A stable multiply twinned decahedral gold nanoparticle with a barrel-like shape. Surface Science. 644:80-85. 2016-01-01
- In situ transmission electron microscopy mechanical deformation and fracture of a silver nanowire. Scripta Materialia. 113:63-67. 2016-01-01
- Structural analysis of the epitaxial interface Ag/ZnO in hierarchical nanoantennas. Applied Physics Letters. 109:-. 2016-01-01
- Electric radiation mapping of silver/zinc oxide nanoantennas by using electron holography. Journal of Applied Physics. 117:-. 2015-01-01
- Mapping the magnetic and crystal structure in cobalt nanowires. Journal of Applied Physics. 118:-. 2015-01-01
- Resonance properties of Ag-ZnO nanostructures at terahertz frequencies. Optics Express. 23:25111-25117. 2015-01-01