publication venue for Solitons, single- and synchronous dual-wavelength noise-like pulses and hybrid regimes from a thulium-doped fiber laser. 19:-. 2022-01-01 Tunable synchronized dual-wavelength pulsed operation in an Er/Yb double-clad fiber laser. 18:-. 2021-01-01 Incipient mode locking dynamics in an all-normal dispersion ytterbium-doped fiber ring laser. 17:-. 2020-01-01 Actively mode-locked all-fiber laser by 5 MHz transmittance modulation of an acousto-optic tunable bandpass filter. 15:-. 2018-01-01 Flat supercontinuum generation pumped by amplified noise-like pulses from a figure-eight erbium-doped fiber laser. 14:-. 2017-01-01 Soliton formation from a noise-like pulse during extreme events in a fibre ring laser. 14:-. 2017-01-01 A temporal insight into the rich dynamics of a figure-eight fibre laser in the noise-like pulsing regime. 13:-. 2016-01-01