publication venue for Can the indifferent population affect the spread of rumors?. :1-19. 2023-01-01 Cooperation in problems of common-pool resources. 10:390-402. 2023-01-01 Network games and solutions from decomposition techniques. 10:425-440. 2023-01-01 Rumors\' spread: A game theoretical approach with the replicator dynamics. 10:11-23. 2023-01-01 A Bayesian equilibrium for simultaneous first-price auctions for complementary goods and quasi-linear bids. :1-11. 2022-01-01 A predator-prey economic system of tax evasion and corrupt behavior. :1-27. 2022-01-01 EXPLORING THE GENDER GAP IN A CLOSED MARKET NICHE. EXPLICIT SOLUTIONS OF AN ODE MODEL. 9:219-228. 2022-01-01 A dynamic for production economies with multiple equilibria. 8:69-99. 2021-01-01 Free mobility of capital and labor force in a two-country model: The dynamic game. 6:179-194. 2019-01-01 Local completeness, Pareto efficiency and mackey Bishop-Phelps cones. 6:19-25. 2019-01-01 A solution for discrete cost sharing problems with non rival consumption. 5:31-39. 2018-01-01 On the linearity property for allocation problems and bankruptcy problems. 5:9-20. 2018-01-01 A simple family of solutions for forest games. 4:87-96. 2017-01-01 Evolution and jump in a Walrasian framework. 3:279-301. 2016-01-01 Nash equilibrium in evolutionary competitive models of firms and workers under external regulation. 2:1-32. 2015-01-01