Institute of Physics
Academic Department
Faculty Research Areas
Cellular and molecular biology (LGAC)
Chiral Dynamics (LGAC)
Complex Fluids: Experimentation, Theory and Simulation (LGAC)
Discrete Mathematics (LGAC)
Drying, Patterns Formation and Fractal Segregation in Interphases (LGAC)
Electronic Theory, Phenomenological Models, Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Materials and their Applications (LGAC)
Electronic properties of Carbon nanostructures (LGAC)
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Evolution of molecular interactions in biological systems (LGAC)
Experimental Study of Asphaltenes (LGAC)
Field Theory (LGAC)
Films Structure in Langmuir, Langmuir-Blodgett and Semiconductors (LGAC)
Instrumentation for Particle Detection (LGAC)
Molecular Structure and Fucntion of Ion Channels (LGAC)
Molecular kinetics (LGAC)
Optical traps (LGAC)
Optimization of geometry and magnetism in nanostructures at Finite Temperature (LGAC)
Particles with Quark Stange and Charm (LGAC)
Phenomenology at Low Energies (LGAC)
Physical Chemistry of Colloids in Interphases: Theory, Simulation and Experiments (LGAC)
Physics of Elementary Particles (LGAC)
Polyelectrolytes Self-Assembling and Biopolymers with Model Membranes and Surfaces (LGAC)
Quantum Physics (LGAC)
Rare Kaon Decays (LGAC)
Structure and Phase Transitions in Ionic Fluids and Charged Liquids (LGAC)
Structure and function of proteins (LGAC)
Structure, Function and Applications of Self-Associating Biomolecules (LGAC)
Superconductors and Vortexes Theory and their Analogy with the Soft Condensate Matter (LGAC)
Supersimetric Extensions of the Standard Model (LGAC)
Synthesis, Modification, Development and Characterization of Novel Polymeric Materials with Environmental and Electronic Applications (LGAC)
Technological Development for the Treatment of Contaminated Water and Soil through Biological and / or Physicochemical Processes (LGAC)
Theoretical and experimental study of electronic, magnetic and transport properties in magnetic materials (LGAC)
Theory and Models of Colloidal and Macromolecular Systems (LGAC)
Topological and Nonlinear Dynamics (LGAC)
Weak Interaction (LGAC)
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