Energy Procedia
Environmental Science and Engineering (Subseries: Environmental Science)
EPJ Web of Conferences
EuCAP 2010 - The 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
European Control Conference, ECC 2003
European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013
European Wireless Conference 2016, EW 2016
Faseb Journal
Frontiers in Optics - Proceedings Frontiers in Optics Laser Science APS/DLS
GECCO 2006 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
GECCO 2021 Companion - Proceedings of the 2021 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion
GLOBECOM - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
HEALTHINF 2008 - 1st International Conference on Health Informatics, Proceedings
Hydrometallurgy 2008: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium
ICALEO 2003 - 22nd International Congress on Applications of Laser and Electro-Optics, Congress Proceedings
ICALEO 2004 - 23rd International Congress on Applications of Laser and Electro-Optics, Congress Proceedings
ICALEO 2006 - 25th International Congress on Applications of Laser and Electro-Optics, Congress Proceedings
ICALEO 2013 - 32nd International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics
ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings
ICCAS 2010 - International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
ICHQP 2008: 13th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power
ICIQ 2011 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Quality
ICSOFT 2008 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
IECON 2015 - 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest)
IEEE Conference on Control Applications - Proceedings
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition: Energy Conversion Innovation for a Clean Energy Future, ECCE 2011, Proceedings
IEEE International Conference on Communications