Bacterial Infections: Characteristics, Types and Treatment
Beyond the Desert 2002: Accelerator, Non-Accelerator and Space APproaches in the New Millenium - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Biologically Active Peptides
Biomaterial Mechanics
Biomedical Innovations to Combat COVID-19
Biomedical Innovations to Combat COVID-19
Biomedical Innovations to Combat COVID-19
Bioremediation and Biotechnology: Sustainable Approaches to Pollution Degradation
Bioresource Technology: concept, tools and experiences
Bioresource Technology: Concept, Tools and Experiences
Bleaching and Purifying Fats and Oils: Theory and Practice
Blejske Delavnice iz Fizike - Bled Workshops in Physics
Blucher Design Proceedings
Bringing Insider Perspectives into Inclusive Teacher Learning: Potentials and Challenges for Educational Professionals
Buscando la RSE: ¿Una ética para nuevas prácticas? Experiencias mineras en campos sociales
Business Ecosystem and Workplace Stress in Cd Valles, San Luis Potosi. NOM 035- STPS-2018 and the Impact of COVID 19
Business Ecosystem and Workplace Stress in Cd Valles, San Luis Potosi. NOM 035- STPS-2018 and the Impact of COVID 19
CAMPS 2006 - International Workshop on Computer Architecture for Machine Perception and Sensing, Conference Proceedings
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carbon Nanostructures
Cartas a jóvenes estudiantes de Criminología
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division 2018 - Core Programming Area at the 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
CCE 2011 - 2011 8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control, Program and Abstract Book
CCE 2012 - 2012 9th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control
CCE 2022 - 2022 19th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control
Celebrating Insurrection: The Commemoration and Representation of the Nineteenth-Century Mexican Pronunciamiento
Cellular Automata
Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings
CERMA 2009 - Electronics Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference
CEUR Workshop Proceedings