Conacyt [5446, 1034110]
CONACYT [552916]
CONACYT [599447/326741]; UASLP grant [C18-FAI-05-50.50]
CONACYT [718553]
CONACYT [770504, CF6653, CF154039]; UNAM-DGAPA-PAPIIT [IA201421, IA201819, IN213923]
CONACYT [A1-S-45958, 302286, 299812]; Mantenimiento de Infraestructura Cientifica en Laboratorios Nacionales [2020-314931, 2021-315911, 23871]; U.S. Department of Energy\'s NNSA [117373]; [9233218CNA000001]
CONACYT [A1-S-8817]
Conacyt [A1-S-9783]
CONACYT [CB -2014/243454, CF-320270]; Graduate Studies Scholarship [290685]; CONABIO [FB1829/PJ029/17]; SEP- PRODEP [103.5/13/6575]
CONACYT [F003, A1-S-40454]; Fondos Concurrentes de la UASLP [FCR UASLP 210920280]; CONACYT-Mexico [CVU: 1143723, CVU: 1143748]
CONACYT [F003]; Fondo Sectorial de Investigacion para la Educacion [CB2017-2018 A1-S-40454]; Fondos Concurrentes de la UASLP [FCR UASLP 210920280]; CONACYT-Mexico [CVU 787127, CVU 712240]
CONACYT CB-2014-01
CONACyT Ciencia Basica 287764; Secretaría de Educación Pública, SEP; Narodowe Centrum Nauki, NCN: 2018/29/B/ST1/01340
CONACYT fellowship; Research Center for Health Sciences and Biomedicine, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi; Endodontic Postgraduate Program of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi
Conacyt Mexico [265239]
CONACYT Mexico [628507]
CONACyT Mexico at McMaster University 626570; OEaD Agency at the Vienna University of Technology; Austrian Science Fund (FWF) P33609; Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy; National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development; Christian Doppler Research Association
CONACYT Proyecto Ciencia de Fronteras [731759/2020]; CONACYT; Investigadores por Mexico - CONACYT program
CONACYT proyecto Mantenimiento de Infraestructura Científica de Laboratorios Nacionales 2020-314931 , 2021-315911 , CB-2016-285350 , CB-A1-S-8817 . The authors thank the access and use of the equipment at the Laboratorio Nacional de Análisis Físicos, Químicos y Biológicos-UASLP. E. Mendoza thanks “Cátedras-CONACYT program” through project 864. H. Ojeda, J. Alanis and E. Villabona thank “Estancias Posdoctorales por Mexico 2021-Conacyt program”. The Authors thank Sergio Negrete for the support in the laboratory.
CONACYT, Doctoral Research Fellowship award (2018-000012-01NACF-03824); Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (CO-FAI-10-47.47); FORDECYT-PRONACES proyecto 305045 “Fortification of the UASLP Botanical Garden for the Preservation and Visibility of Biocultural Richness and the Dissemination and Exchange of Ethnobiological Knowledge”.
CONACYT, Estancias Posdoctorales por México; Terahertz Science and Technology National Lab (LANCYTT), projects 278291 (SRE-CONACYT) and project P105 from CEMIE-Solar (Secretaria de Energía-CONACYT)
CONACYT, Mex [784790]
CONACyT, Mexico; [40757]
CONACYT-2014, Modalidad A. Establecimiento de Laboratorio Nacional de Investigaciones en Forense Nuclear (Proyecto No. 232762); Proyecto Comisión Nacional del agua-CONACYT No. 284147