selected publications
- Giant silicic ignimbrites and comagmatic domes at the southeastern end of the Sierra Madre Occidental, México. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 114:-. 2022-01-01
- Geochemical characteristics and tectonic significance of the Paleocene-Eocene felsic dikes and dome complex of La Tesorera, Zacatecas, Mesa Central, Mexico [Caraterísticas geoquímicas y significado tectónico del complejo de diques y domos félsicos del Paleoceno-Eoceno de La Tesorera, Zacatecas, en la Mesa Central, México]. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas. 32:455-474. 2015-01-01
- Eocene to Quaternary mafic-intermediate volcanism in San Luis Potosí, central Mexico: The transition from Farallon plate subduction to intra-plate continental magmatism. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 276:152-172. 2014-01-01
- Structural control for the location of veins and felsic domes in the Zacatecas mining district, Mexico [Control estructural para el emplazamiento de vetas y domos félsicos en el distrito minero de Zacatecas, México]. Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana. 64:353-367. 2012-01-01
- Trace elements geochemistry and origin of volcanic units from the San Luis Potosí and Río Santa María volcanic fields, Mexico: The bearing of ICP-QMS data. Geofisica Internacional. 51:293-308. 2012-01-01
- Geocronología y distribución espacial del vulcanismo en el Campo Volcánico de San Luis Potosí. Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana. 61:287-303. 2009-01-01
- Post-Laramide and pre-Basin and Range deformation and implications for Paleogene (55-25 Ma) volcanism in central Mexico: A geological basis for a volcano-tectonic stress model. Tectonophysics. 471:136-152. 2009-01-01
- The late Triassic-early Jurassic active continental margin of western north America in northeastern Mexico. Geofisica Internacional. 37:283-292. 1998-01-01
- Tectonic setting of pre-Oxfordian units from central and northeastern Mexico: A review. Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 197-210. 1999-01-01