selected publications
- Health risk assessment methodologies for the study of vulnerable communities in Latin America [Revisión de las metodologíaas sobre evaluación de riesgos en salud para el estudio de comunidades vulnerables en América Latina]. Interciencia. 34:710-717. 2009-01-01
- Exposure to arsenic and lead of children living near a copper-smelter in San Luis Potosi, Mexico: Importance of soil contamination for exposure of children. Environmental Research. 101:1-10. 2006-01-01
- DDT-induced oxidative damage in human blood mononuclear cells. Environmental Research. 98:177-184. 2005-01-01
- Environmental health assessment of deltamethrin in a malarious area of Mexico: Environmental persistence, toxicokinetics, and genotoxicity in exposed children. Environmental Health Perspectives. 113:782-786. 2005-01-01
- Levels of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and deltamethrin in humans and environmental samples in malarious areas of Mexico. Environmental Research. 88:174-181. 2002-01-01
- The El Paso smelter 20 years later: Residual impact on Mexican children. Environmental Research. 74:11-16. 1997-01-01
- Toxicological assessment of azarcon, a lead salt used as a folk remedy in Mexico. I. Oral toxicity in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 41:91-97. 1994-01-01
- Arsenic and Cadmium Exposure in Children Living Near a Smelter Complex in San Luis Potosı́, Mexico. Environmental Research. 62:242-250. 1993-01-01
- Arsenic-cadmium interaction in rats: toxic effects in the heart and tissue metal shifts. Toxicology. 67:227-234. 1991-01-01
conference paper
- Arsenic increased lipid peroxidation in rat tissues by a mechanism independent of glutathione levels. Environmental Health Perspectives. 85-88. 1995-01-01
- Overview of human health and chemical mixtures: Problems facing developing countries. Environmental Health Perspectives. 901-909. 2002-01-01