selected publications
conference paper
- A passive speed observer for induction motor. 2009 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control, CCE 2009. -. 2009-01-01
- Unknown input observer for induction motors: Experimental evaluation. 2007 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ICEEE 2007. 249-252. 2007-01-01
- A survey on speed estimation for ensorless control of induction motors. International Power Electronics Congress - CIEP. 8-13. 2006-01-01
- Comparison of two nonlinear speed observers for induction motors. IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference). 799-804. 2006-01-01
- Effects of bad currents and voltages acquisition on speed estimation for sensorless drives1. Proceedings - Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, CERMA 2006. 215-219. 2006-01-01
- Step by step design procedure of an independent-wheeled small EV applying EVLS. IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference). 1176-1181. 2006-01-01
- Comparison of several nonlinear controllers for induction motors. International Power Electronics Congress - CIEP. 134-139. 2004-01-01