selected publications
- A New Mixture Criterion for the Improvement of the Compressive Strength of Adobe Using Zeolite as Stabilizer. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 26:3549-3559. 2022-01-01
- A new mixture criterion for the improvement of the compressive strength of adobe using zeolite as stabilizer. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 26:3549-3559. 2022-01-01
- Evaluation of Pyropia Perforata algae as consolidant in deteriorated linen fibers. South Florida Journal of Development, Miami. 3:4529-4535. 2022-01-01
- Valoración inicial de las propiedades de la goma de nopal como posible aditivo en la conservación de edificaciones de adobe. Intervención : revista internacional de conservación, restauración y museología. 1:159-199. 2022-01-01
- Corrosion rates of reabsorbable Mg-based materials coated with phytic acid. Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology. 56:714-727. 2021-01-01
- Strength and Corrosion Studies of Mortars Added with Pozzolan in Sulphate Ions Environment. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 24:3810-3819. 2020-01-01
- Evaluation of the oxalic and tartaric acids as an alternative to citric acid in aqueous cleaning systems for the conservation of contemporary acrylic paintings. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 25:127-134. 2017-01-01
- Phytic acid coating on Mg-based materials for biodegradable temporary endoprosthetic applications. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 664:609-618. 2016-01-01
- Assessment of dimethylbenzodiimidazole as corrosion inhibitor of austenitic stainless steel grade 316L in acid medium. International Journal of Electrochemical Science. 10:1966-1978. 2015-01-01
- Electrochemical stability of steel reinforced bars embedded in cement mortars containing clinoptilolite as supplementary. International Journal of Electrochemical Science. 10:10003-10016. 2015-01-01
- Characterization and corrosion behavior of phytic acid coatings, obtained by chemical conversion on magnesium substrates in physiological solution. Revista de Metalurgia. 50:-. 2014-01-01
- Effect of ascorbic acid on hydrogen peroxide decomposition into an environmentally friendly mixture for pickling of 316L stainless steel. Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 50:384-390. 2014-01-01
- Polymer mortars prepared using a polymeric resin and particles obtained from waste pet bottle. Construction and Building Materials. 65:376-383. 2014-01-01
- Stainless steel pickling using ecologies friendly mixtures composed of H2O2 - H2SO4 - F- ions [Decapado de un acero inoxidable austenítico mediante mezclas ecológicas basadas en H2O2 - H2SO 4 - iones F-]. Revista de Metalurgia. 49:145-154. 2013-01-01
- Characterisation of corrosion products formed on steel rebars. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly. 51:228-234. 2012-01-01
- State of corrosion of rebars embedded in mortar specimens after an electrochemical chloride removal. Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta. 28:153-164. 2010-01-01
- Steel passive state stability in activated fly ash mortars [Estabilidad del estado pasivo del acero en morteros de ceniza volante activada]. Materiales de Construccion. 60:51-65. 2010-01-01
- The protection of galvanised steel using a chromate-free organic inhibitor. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials. 56:114-120. 2009-01-01
- A quantitative study of concrete-embedded steel corrosion using potentiostatic pulses. Corrosion. 63:1094-1100. 2007-01-01
- Behaviour of corroded steel in a Ca(OH)2-saturated solution and in cement mortar. Possibility of rehabilitation [Comportamiento del acero precorroído en solución saturada de Ca(OH)2 y en mortero de cemento. Posibilidades de rehabilitación]. Materiales de Construccion. 57:5-16. 2007-01-01
- Effect of electrochemically reactive rust layers on the corrosion of steel in a Ca(OH)2 solution. Corrosion Science. 49:436-448. 2007-01-01
- Limitations and advantages of electrochemical chloride removal in corroded reinforced concrete structures. Cement and Concrete Research. 37:596-603. 2007-01-01
- Several questions about electrochemical rehabilitation methods for reinforced concrete structures. Corrosion Science. 48:2172-2188. 2006-01-01
- Corrosion resistance in activated fly ash mortars. Cement and Concrete Research. 35:1210-1217. 2005-01-01
- Electrochemical techniques for studying corrosion of reinforcing steel: Limitations and advantages. Corrosion. 61:37-50. 2005-01-01
- Possibilities and problems of in situ techniques for measuring steel corrosion rates in large reinforced concrete structures. Corrosion Science. 47:217-238. 2005-01-01
- Considerations on reproducibility of potential and corrosion rate measurements in reinforced concrete. Corrosion Science. 46:2467-2485. 2004-01-01
- Considerations on the possible corrosion mechanisms of reinforced concrete structures and on the factors that control their kinetics [Consideraciones sobre los posibles mecanismos de corrosión de las estructuras de hormigón armado y sobre los factores que controlan su cinética]. Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid). 40:89-100. 2004-01-01
- Comparative corrosion behaviour of Zn-2l Al-2Cu alloy and galvanized steel. Corrosion Prevention and Control. 50:53-63. 2003-01-01
- Protective effect of the corrosion products layers of atmospheric exposure [Efecto protector de las capas de productos de corrosión de exposición atmosférica]. Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid). 38:108-116. 2002-01-01
- The effect of SO2 and NaCl in the degradation of organic coatings. Corrosion Prevention and Control. 45:181-188. 1998-01-01
conference paper
- Effect of the compressive strength in an electrochemical chloride extraction. NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series. 1-9. 2012-01-01
- Hexavalent chromium-free pre-treatment for galvanized steel. ECS Transactions. 37-47. 2008-01-01
- Degradation and durability of steel in concrete: Evaluation by electrochemical techniques [Degradación y durabilidad del acero en el hormigón: Evaluación por técnicas electroquímicas]. Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid). 279-283. 2005-01-01
- Reflections on electrochemical rehabilitation methods for corroded reinforced concrete structures [Reflexiones sobre los métodos electroquímicos de rehabilitación de las estructuras corroídas de hormigón armado]. Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid). 274-278. 2005-01-01
- Characterization of the atmospheric corrosion products formed on modified Zn-Al eutectoid alloy. NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series. -. 2000-01-01
- Characterization of corrosion products from atmospheric exposures for up to 5 years. NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series. -. 1998-01-01