Search for strongly interacting massive particles generating trackless jets in proton–proton collisions at √s=13TeV
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A search for dark matter in the form of strongly interacting massive particles (SIMPs) using the CMS detector at the LHC is presented. The SIMPs would be produced in pairs that manifest themselves as pairs of jets without tracks. The energy fraction of jets carried by charged particles is used as a key discriminator to suppress efficiently the large multijet background, and the remaining background is estimated directly from data. The search is performed using proton–proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 16.1fb-1, collected with the CMS detector in 2016. No significant excess of events is observed above the expected background. For the simplified dark matter model under consideration, SIMPs with masses up to 100GeV are excluded and further sensitivity is explored towards higher masses. © 2022, The Author(s).
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Excellence of Science 30820817; MDM-2015-0509; National Science Foundation, NSF; U.S. Department of Energy, USDOE; Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, APSF; Welch Foundation: C-1845; Hispanics in Philanthropy, HIP; Kavli Foundation; Maryland Ornithological Society, MOS; Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, AvH; Nvidia; Qatar National Research Fund, QNRF: 0723-2020-0041; Secretaría de Educación Pública, SEP; Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu, TAEK; Weston Havens Foundation; Louisiana Academy of Sciences, LAS; Missouri University of Science and Technology, MST; CERN; Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics; Cosmetic Surgery Foundation, CSF; Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology, IPST; Science and Technology Facilities Council, STFC; European Research Council, ERC; Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, India, डीएसटी; Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, CSIR; Ministry of Education - Singapore, MOE; Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, DAE; Science Foundation Ireland, SFI; Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, HGF; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG: 390833306, 400140256 - GRK2497; Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, FAPESP; National Natural Science Foundation of China, NSFC; Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT; National Science Council, NSC; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT; Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES; Academy of Finland, AKA; Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF; Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Austrian Science Fund, FWF; Fonds De La Recherche Scientifique - FNRS, FNRS; Russian Academy of Sciences, РАН; Belgian Federal Science Policy Office, BELSPO; Chulalongkorn University, CU; Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, FWO; Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie, IWT; Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l’Industrie et dans l’Agriculture, FRIA; Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, MINECO; General Secretariat for Research and Technology, GSRT; Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, MBIE; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq; Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, MSIP; National Research Foundation of Korea, NRF; Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR; Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, MTA: 123842, 123959, 124845, 124850, 125105, 128713, 128786, 129058; Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, INFN; A.G. Leventis Foundation; National Science and Technology Development Agency, สวทช: Thailand; Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, FAPERGS; Narodowe Centrum Nauki, NCN: 2014/15/B/ST2/03998, 2015/19/B/ST2/02861; Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, SENESCYT; Universiti Malaya, UM; Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki, MNiSW; Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, FAPERJ; Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, MOST; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, NASU; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS; Latvijas Zinātnes Padome; Ministry of Education and Science, MES; Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, IPM; Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, BUAP; Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives, CEA; Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, SEIDI; Horizon 2020: 675440, 724704, 752730, 765710, 824093; European Regional Development Fund, ERDF; State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM, ROSATOM; Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CINVESTAV; Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, PAEC; Ministry of Science,Technology and Research, MoSTR; Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, BMSTC: Z191100007219010; Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, BMBWF; Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules, IN2P3; Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovaciós Alap, NKFIA; National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, NRC KI Grant
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