Reply to ‘Comment on “Structural characterization, reactivity, and vibrational properties of silver clusters: A new global minimum for Ag16”’ by P. V. Nhat, N. T. Si, L. V. Duong and M. T. Nguyen,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021,23, DOI: D1CP00646K Review uri icon


  • Recently, P. V. Nhatet al., have discussed and commented on our article (DOI: 10.1039/D0CP04018E) for the case of the most stable structure of Ag15. They have found a new most stable structure (labeled as 15-1) in comparison to the putative global minimum reported by us, which is a four layered 1-4-6-4 stacking structure with aC2vpoint group (15-2). In this reply, we have performed a larger structure search which allowed us to confirm the results of Nhatet al.The results show the existence of multiple isoenergetic isomers with similar structure motifs for the Ag15system, increasing the problem complexity to locate the global minimum. The results in regard to the structure and electronic properties of the new lowest energy structure are discussed. © the Owner Societies 2021.

publication date

  • 2021-01-01