Resilience and conservation in magical towns of Mexico. The cases of Pátzcuaro and Mexcaltitán [Résilience et conservation dans les Villes Magiques du Mexique. Les cas de Pátzcuaro et Mexcaltitán] [Resiliência e conservação em Povos Mágicos do México. Os casos de Pátzcuaro e Mexcaltitán] [Resiliencia y conservación en Pueblos Mágicos de México. Los casos de Pátzcuaro y Mexcaltitán] Article uri icon


  • The resilience capacity of the Magical Towns has sometimes entered into crisis, affecting their physical and environmental aspects, as well as the daily practices and ways of life of their inhabitants. This work identifies the current context of tension, the tourist functionality of the destinations and the actions that can contribute to promoting sustainable tourism, conserving cultural heritage and fostering policies that contribute to local development. The case studies are Pátzcuaro and Mexcaltitán in Mexico. © 2021 Universidad Nacional de Colombia. All rights reserved.

publication date

  • 2021-01-01