Agile micro-Methodology for the development of software in programming marathons (Hackathons) Conference Paper uri icon


  • This paper describes our experiences using and evaluating a methodology for the development of applications in extremely short periods of time, such as programming in Hackathons. A hackathon is by definition, a programming event that includes a component of competition, however, experience following some methodology in such extreme situations could contribute to the improvement of software processes when it requires extremely short production times. A semi-formal qualitative study of the use of the methodology was conducted, in order to evaluate the success of the process, with a view to improving future similar events. A real Hackathon event was used to evaluate mentioned methodology and gather experience about the same. © 2020 WMSCI 2020 - 24th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Proceedings. All rights reserved.

publication date

  • 2020-01-01