Synthesis of 2-Anilino -3-chloro -14-naphthoquinone derivatives assisted by microwave and ultrasound [Sintesis de derivados de 2-Anilino-3-cloro- 1,4-naftoquinona promovida por microondas y ultrasonido] Article uri icon


  • In this work, microwave (MW) and ultrasound (US) techniques were used like alternative methods of energy to obtain 2-Anilino-3-chloronaphthoquinone derivatives; with several anilines with electron withdrawing substituents (4-F, 4-C1, 4-Br, 4-1 y 4-N02) and with donor substituents (2-OCH3, 4-OCH3 y 4-OCH2CH3). To synthesize these types of molecules is of great importance since they are present in several biologically active compounds. The yields of the different derivatives were high in most cases, in addition the reaction times decreased substantially with respect to the times observed in the synthesis by conventional heating (SCH). All compounds were characterized by ultraviolet visible (UV-Vis), infrared (1R), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS). © 2017 Asociacion de Quimicos del Instituto Quimico de Sarria. All rights reserved.

publication date

  • 2017-01-01