Preliminary report on the July 10-11, 2015 eruption at Volcán de Colima: Pyroclastic density currents with exceptional runouts and volume Article uri icon


  • On July 10-11, 2015 an eruption occurred at Colima volcano produced 10.5 km long pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) along the Montegrande, and 6.5 km long along the San Antonio ravines. The summit dome was destroyed and a new crater excavated and breached to the south. This new breach connects to a narrow channel that descends along Colima%27s southern flank and was used by a subsequent lava flow. The Montegrande PDCs represent the longest and hottest flow of this type recorded during the past 30 years but are still smaller in comparison to the 15-km long PDCs produced during the 1913 Plinian eruption. Data obtained from field reconnaissance, lahar monitoring stations, and satellite imagery suggest that at least six PDCs occurred. The two largest PDCs (H/L 0.2) were able to surmount topographic barriers or bends. Based on field reconnaissance and digital elevation models extracted from SPOT satellite imageries we estimate a minimum volume for the valley-pond and distal fan deposits of 4.5 × 106 m3. After one week, the deposits were still hot with burning trees on the surface and millimeter-sized holes from which fumes were emanating. The juvenile components of the deposits consist of gray dense blocks and vesicular dark-gray blocks and bombs with bread-crust textures and cooling joints. The mineral association of these rocks consists of plagioclase %2b clinopyroxene %2b orthopyroxene %2b FeTi-oxides ± olivine and resorbed hornblende in a dark glassy matrix that corresponds to an andesitic composition. © 2015 Elsevier B.V..
  • On July 10-11, 2015 an eruption occurred at Colima volcano produced 10.5 km long pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) along the Montegrande, and 6.5 km long along the San Antonio ravines. The summit dome was destroyed and a new crater excavated and breached to the south. This new breach connects to a narrow channel that descends along Colima's southern flank and was used by a subsequent lava flow. The Montegrande PDCs represent the longest and hottest flow of this type recorded during the past 30 years but are still smaller in comparison to the 15-km long PDCs produced during the 1913 Plinian eruption. Data obtained from field reconnaissance, lahar monitoring stations, and satellite imagery suggest that at least six PDCs occurred. The two largest PDCs (H/L 0.2) were able to surmount topographic barriers or bends. Based on field reconnaissance and digital elevation models extracted from SPOT satellite imageries we estimate a minimum volume for the valley-pond and distal fan deposits of 4.5 × 106 m3. After one week, the deposits were still hot with burning trees on the surface and millimeter-sized holes from which fumes were emanating. The juvenile components of the deposits consist of gray dense blocks and vesicular dark-gray blocks and bombs with bread-crust textures and cooling joints. The mineral association of these rocks consists of plagioclase %2b clinopyroxene %2b orthopyroxene %2b FeTi-oxides ± olivine and resorbed hornblende in a dark glassy matrix that corresponds to an andesitic composition. © 2015 Elsevier B.V..

publication date

  • 2016-01-01