Zero-temperature limit of one-dimensional Gibbs states via renormalization: The case of locally constant potentials Article uri icon


  • Let A be a finite set and let φ:Aℤ→ℝ be a locally constant potential. For each β>0 (%27inverse temperature%27), there is a unique Gibbs measure μβφ. We prove that as β→ ∞ , the family (μβφ)β>0 converges (in the weak-* topology) to a measure that we characterize. This measure is concentrated on a certain subshift of finite type, which is a finite union of transitive subshifts of finite type. The two main tools are an approximation by periodic orbits and the Perron-Frobenius theorem for matrices à la Birkhoff. The crucial idea we bring is a %27renormalization%27 procedure which explains convergence and provides a recursive algorithm for computing the weights of the ergodic decomposition of the limit. © Copyright Cambridge University Press 2010.
  • Let A be a finite set and let φ:Aℤ→ℝ be a locally constant potential. For each β>0 ('inverse temperature'), there is a unique Gibbs measure μβφ. We prove that as β→%2b∞ , the family (μβφ)β>0 converges (in the weak-* topology) to a measure that we characterize. This measure is concentrated on a certain subshift of finite type, which is a finite union of transitive subshifts of finite type. The two main tools are an approximation by periodic orbits and the Perron-Frobenius theorem for matrices à la Birkhoff. The crucial idea we bring is a 'renormalization' procedure which explains convergence and provides a recursive algorithm for computing the weights of the ergodic decomposition of the limit. © Copyright Cambridge University Press 2010.

publication date

  • 2011-01-01