selected publications
- Disorder and amino acid composition in proteins: their potential role in the adaptation of extracellular pilins to the acidic media, where Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans grows. Extremophiles. 27:-. 2023-01-01
- Improved Stability of Human CGI-58 Induced by Phosphomimetic S237E Mutation. ACS Omega. 7:12643-12653. 2022-01-01
- Serum zinc levels are associated with obesity and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in Mexican adults. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 73:-. 2022-01-01
- Nucleotide Binding in an Engineered Recombinant Ca2 -ATPase N-Domain. Biochemistry. 55:6751-6765. 2016-01-01