selected publications
- Spectral properties of bifurcating stationary solutions to spatially reversible partial differential equations. Doklady Mathematics. 59:86-89. 1999-01-01
- Spectral properties of bifurcating stationary solutions to spatially reversible partial differential equations. Doklady Akademii Nauk. 364:586-589. 1999-01-01
- Abundance of stable stationary localized solutions to the generalized 1D Swift-Hohenberg equation. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 34:253-266. 1997-01-01
- Instability of small stationary localized solutions to a class of reversible 1 %2b 1 PDEs. Nonlinearity. 10:389-407. 1997-01-01
- On small stationary localized solutions for the generalized 1-D Swift-Hohenberg equation. Chaos. 5:424-431. 1995-01-01