publication venue for Recent results and prospects for NA62 experiment. 285-286:104-109. 2017-01-01 Search for K%2b→π%2bνν‾ at NA62. 282-284:101-105. 2017-01-01 Study of π0 Dalitz decays in the NA62 and NA48/2 experiments. 282-284:106-110. 2017-01-01 Precision tests of the Standard Model with Kaon decays at CERN. 273-275:1671-1677. 2016-01-01 Prospects for K%2b→π%2bνν observation at CERN in NA62. 270-272:55-61. 2016-01-01 ChPT test at NA48 and NA62 experiment at CERN 2015-01-01