Health Risks Assestment Methodology on Children Exposed to Pollutants (LGAC)
Associated Departments
research area of
Calderón Hernández Jaqueline ,
PhD Degree,
Faculty of Medicine
Carrizalez Yáñez Leticia ,
Master's Degree,
Faculty of Medicine
Cilia López Virginia Gabriela ,
PhD Degree,
Faculty of Medicine
Cubillas Tejeda Ana Cristina ,
PhD Degree,
Faculty of Chemistry
Domínguez Cortinas Gabriela ,
PhD Degree,
Faculty of Medicine
Díaz Barriga Martínez Fernando ,
PhD Degree,
Coordination for the Innovation and Application of Science and Technology
Espinosa Reyes Guillermo ,
PhD Degree,
Faculty of Medicine
Ilizaliturri Hernández César Arturo ,
PhD Degree,
Faculty of Medicine
Mejía Saavedra José de Jesús ,
PhD Degree,
Faculty of Medicine
Pérez Maldonado Ivan Nelinho ,
PhD Degree,
Multidisciplinary Academic Media Campus
Van Brussel Evelyn ,
Master's Degree,
Faculty of Medicine
subject area of