selected publications
- Polarization contrast linear spectroscopies for cubic semiconductors under stress: Macro- and micro-reflectance difference spectroscopies. Annalen der Physik (Leipzig). 523:121-128. 2011-01-01
- Effect of reconstruction-induced strain on the reflectance difference spectroscopy of GaAs (001) around E1 and E1 Δ1 transitions. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 75:-. 2007-01-01
- Reflectance difference spectroscopy of GaAs(001) under a [110] uniaxial stress. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 70:35306-1-035306-7. 2004-01-01
- Photoreflectance-difference spectroscopy of GaAs (001) under [110] uniaxial stress: Linear and quadratic electro-optic components. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 66:753151-753156. 2002-01-01
- Photoreflectance-difference spectroscopy of GaAs (001) under [110] uniaxial stress: Linear and quadratic electro-optic components. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 66:1-6. 2002-01-01
conference paper
- Surface strain contributions to the lineshapes of reflectance difference spectra for one-electron and discrete-exciton transitions. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 2591-2594. 2008-01-01
- Strain induced optical anisotropies in zincblende semiconductors. Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research. 500-508. 2003-01-01