A review on geometric formulations for classical field theory: The Bonzom–Livine model for gravity Review uri icon


  • Motivated by the study of physical models associated with general relativity, we review some finite-dimensional, geometric and covariant formulations that allow us to characterize in a simple manner the symmetries for classical field theory by implementing an appropriate fibre-bundle structure, either at the Lagrangian, the Hamiltonian multisymplectic or the polysymplectic levels. In particular, we are able to formulate Noether’s theorems by means of the covariant momentum maps and to systematically introduce a covariant Poisson–Hamiltonian framework. Also, by focusing on the space plus time decomposition for a generic classical field theory and its relation to these geometric formulations, we are able to successfully recover the gauge content and the true local degrees of freedom for the theory. In order to illustrate the relevance of these geometric frameworks, we center our attention to the analysis of a model for three-dimensional theory of general relativity that involves an arbitrary Immirzi-like parameter. At the Lagrangian level, we reproduce the field equations of the system which for this model turn out to be equivalent to the vanishing torsion condition and the Einstein equations. We also concentrate on the analysis of the gauge symmetries of the system in order to obtain the Lagrangian covariant momentum map associated with the theory and, consequently, its corresponding Noether currents. Next, within the Hamiltonian multisymplectic approach, we aim our attention to describing how the gauge symmetries of the model yield covariant canonical transformations on the covariant multimomenta phase-space, thus giving rise to the existence of a covariant momentum map. Besides, we analyze the physical system under consideration within the De Donder–Weyl canonical theory implemented at the polysymplectic level, thus establishing a relation from the covariant momentum map to the conserved currents of the theory within this covariant Hamiltonian approach. Finally, after performing the space plus time decomposition of the space-time manifold, and taking as a starting point the Hamiltonian multisymplectic formulation, we are able to recover both the extended Hamiltonian and the gauge structure content that characterize the gravity model of our interest within the instantaneous Dirac–Hamiltonian formulation. © 2021 IOP Publishing Ltd.

publication date

  • 2021-01-01