Electrochemical study of a flotation zinc concentrate in sulfuric acid: Galvanic interactions affecting the rate of dissolution of sphalerite
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The anodic dissolution of a flotation zinc concentrate (63.4 %25 sphalerite (ZnS), 20.1 %25 pyrite (FeS2), 5 %25 chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), 0.33%25 galena (PbS), 0.45 %25 terahedrite (Cu12Sb4S 13) and 0.4 %25 arsenopyrite (FeAsS)) was studied in 1.7 M H 2SO4. An electrochemical strategy (based on common electrochemical techniques) was proposed to find the potential range at which each mineral species can be oxidized. Anodic potential pulses were applied to carbon paste electrodes prepared with zinc concentrate (CPE-zinc concentrate). The resulting solutions were analysed by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV). In addition, the surface of each modified CPE-zinc concentrate was characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The sphalerite is oxidized in the range of 0 ≤ E ≤ 600 mV vs SSE with slow kinetics; similarly, galena dissolution takes place in the same range. The dissolution of sphalerite is galvanically protected, while dissolution of chalcopyrite is favored. Copyright The Electrochemical Society.