The effects of sodium arsenite exposure on behavioral parameters in the rat Conference Paper uri icon


  • Arsenic is a metalloid widely present in the environment. It is found in well water, soil, and air, and is also released from mining residues and industrial debris, among other anthropogenic sources. It has been previously reported that the content of catecholamines in striatum, hippocampus, and other cerebral regions changes in mice and rats exposed to arsenic. Few studies have examined behavioral alterations after intoxication with arsenic, and both increased and decreased locomotor activity, as well as learning deficits, have been described. In order to characterize the behavioral alterations induced by arsenic exposure, we exposed adult male Sprague-Dawley rats to 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg of arsenic by intragastric route for 2 or 4 weeks. Exposed rats showed reduced locomotor activity, which returned to control levels at the end of the intoxication period. We also found an increase in the number of errors in an egocentric task, alterations in monoamine content in midbrain and cortex, and increases in arsenic brain concentration, which were related to time of the exposure but not dose. These results indicate that short-term arsenic exposure induces neural and behavioral changes that may reflect a neurotoxic effect, and that these alterations are correlated to dose, time of exposure, and experimental conditions. © 2001 Elsevier Science Inc.

publication date

  • 2001-01-01

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