This chapter presents a case of the patient (Pt) who presented with multiple dental treatments throughout the oral cavity. Specifically, tooth #5 presented a mesio-occluso-distal (MOD) amalgam restoration that was placed several years before. Extra-oral examination (EOE) revealed no cervical lymphadenopathy. There was no tenderness of masticatory muscles upon palpation. Intra-oral examination (IOE) exhibited no gingival inflammation around the right maxillary 1st premolar (tooth #5), but erythematosus aspect was observed. The case presented in the chapter helps dentists to understand a clinical and pharmacological approach to the non-surgical root canal treatment of maxillary premolars. It also helps them to understand aspects of preclinical preparation for non-surgical root canal treatment (NSRCT) of maxillary premolars, including anatomical considerations and clinical and pharmacological approaches. The chapter further helps them to understand the clinical management of NSRCT, including mechanical preparation, irrigation, and obturation techniques. © 2018 John Wiley %26 Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
This chapter presents a case of the patient (Pt) who presented with multiple dental treatments throughout the oral cavity. Specifically, tooth #5 presented a mesio-occluso-distal (MOD) amalgam restoration that was placed several years before. Extra-oral examination (EOE) revealed no cervical lymphadenopathy. There was no tenderness of masticatory muscles upon palpation. Intra-oral examination (IOE) exhibited no gingival inflammation around the right maxillary 1st premolar (tooth #5), but erythematosus aspect was observed. The case presented in the chapter helps dentists to understand a clinical and pharmacological approach to the non-surgical root canal treatment of maxillary premolars. It also helps them to understand aspects of preclinical preparation for non-surgical root canal treatment (NSRCT) of maxillary premolars, including anatomical considerations and clinical and pharmacological approaches. The chapter further helps them to understand the clinical management of NSRCT, including mechanical preparation, irrigation, and obturation techniques. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
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