The evil trinity: A real devil in three different speeches [La maléfica trinidad: Un diablo verdadero en tres discursos distintos] Article uri icon


  • This article provides an analysis of the Devil as a character in three genres of discourse. The Devil appears in different guises, according to the specific persuasive purpose of each genre. Thus it is possible to infer the existence of at least three different devils brought to New Spain. A malevolent devil, the son of European Manichaeism, is useful in judicial discourses, as a character to be identified with pre-Hispanic gods, justifying the persecution of idolatry. A poetic devil appears in panegyric discourses, such as the chronicles of religious orders, where he introduces the supernatural into the writing of history. Finally, a devil who collaborates with God is present in deliberative discourses, such as some Jesuit sermons. His fate is active participation in evangelization and the reforma de costumbres.

publication date

  • 2013-01-01