Rotational symmetry and degeneracy: A cotangent-perturbed rigid rotator of unperturbed level multiplicity
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We predict level degeneracy of the rotational type in diatomic molecules described by means of a cotangent-hindered rigid rotator. The problem is shown to be exactly solvable in terms of non-classical Romanovski polynomials. The energies of such a system are linear combinations of t(t %2b 1) and 1/[t (t %2b 1) %2b 1/4] terms with the non-negative integer principal quantum number t=n%2b|m̃| being the sum of order n of the polynomials and the absolute value, |m̃|, of the square root of the separation constant between the polar and azimuthal angular motions. The latter obeys, with respect to t, the same branching rule, |m̃|=0,1t, as does the magnetic quantum number with respect to the angular momentum, l, and, in this fashion, the t quantum number presents itself formally indistinguishable from l. In effect, the spectrum of the hindered rotator has the same (2t %2b 1)-fold level multiplicity as the unperturbed one. For small t values, the wave functions and excitation energies of the perturbed rotator differ from the ordinary spherical harmonics, and the l(l %2b 1) law, respectively, while approaching them asymptotically with increasing t. In this fashion the breaking of the rotational symmetry at the level of the representation functions is opaqued by the level degeneracies. The model provides a tool for the description of rotational bands with anomalously large gaps between the ground state and its first excitation. © 2011 Taylor %26Francis.
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diatomic molecule; hindered rotator; rigid rotator; rotational symmetry Absolute values; Angular motions; Branching rules; Diatomic molecules; hindered rotator; Linear combinations; Magnetic quantum number; Nonnegative integers; Principal quantum numbers; Quantum numbers; rigid rotator; Rotational band; Rotational symmetries; Spherical harmonics; Square roots; Excited states; Harmonic analysis; Harmonic functions; Quantum theory; Rotation
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