Evaluation of public investment in cultural issues in the State of San Luis Potosi (Mexico) between 2004 and 2006: A territorial analysis through cartography [Evaluación de la inversion pública en materia de cultura en el estado de san luis potosí (méjico) entre 2004 y 2006: un análisis territorial a través de la cartografía] Article uri icon


  • In Mexico is an essential necessity to count with work plans that let to examine and to praise the coverage and evolution of the commitment assumed in social policy by public administrations in order to give a new direction to objectives, actions and strategies in the planning area. The present work summarize the review process did to assess and update the Development State Plan, 2003-2009 in San Luis Potosí state; besides makes a description of methodology used in the production of cartography that shows the coverage of public spending by the government; finally, examine the territorial expression of public investment did by Culture Secretary.

publication date

  • 2009-01-01