Late Triassic submarine fan deposits in northwestern San Luis Potosí, Mexico - Lithology, facies and diagenesis Article uri icon


  • Rare outcrops of Late Triassic marine sediments in northern Central-Mexico point to a passive margin. The lack of relevant paleontological data prohibits a clear Triassic classification of similar sediments in this region (e. g. in the Sierra de Catorce, S.L.P). Sedimentological analysis of outcrops in the Sierra de Catorce and in the Sierra de Charcas reflects deposition within a submarine fan, implicating that sediments of both localities may be correlated regarding age and depositional environment. Sedimentological data of both locations point to deposition within a Mid-Fan environment. The graywacke composition favors a consolidated continental block as sediment source. In contrast to previous assumptions, no metamorphic overprint affected the investigated sediments. © 2002 E. Schweizerbart%27sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.
  • Rare outcrops of Late Triassic marine sediments in northern Central-Mexico point to a passive margin. The lack of relevant paleontological data prohibits a clear Triassic classification of similar sediments in this region (e. g. in the Sierra de Catorce, S.L.P). Sedimentological analysis of outcrops in the Sierra de Catorce and in the Sierra de Charcas reflects deposition within a submarine fan, implicating that sediments of both localities may be correlated regarding age and depositional environment. Sedimentological data of both locations point to deposition within a Mid-Fan environment. The graywacke composition favors a consolidated continental block as sediment source. In contrast to previous assumptions, no metamorphic overprint affected the investigated sediments. © 2002 E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

publication date

  • 2002-01-01