provides funding for
- Arrested dynamics of the dipolar hard sphere model Article
- Evaluation of hydrochemical changes due to intensive aquifer exploitation: Case studies from Mexico Article
- Glassy dynamics in asymmetric binary mixtures of hard spheres Article
- Heavy metal and arsenic dispersion in a copper-skarn mining district in a Mexican semi-arid environment: Sources, pathways and fate Article
- Moisture expansion associated to secondary porosity: An example of the Loseros Tuff of Guanajuato, Mexico Article
- Petrology and geochemistry of meta-ultramafic rocks in the Paleozoic Granjeno Schist, northeastern Mexico: Remnants of Pangaea ocean floor Article
- Preparation of gold powders by means of redox-active extractive systems Article
- Quantum fluids of light in acoustic lattices Review
- Self-consistent generalized Langevin equation theory of the dynamics of multicomponent atomic liquids Article
- Spin-rotational-invariant theory of transition-metal magnetism at finite temperatures: Systematic study of a single-site model Article
- Value chains for organic products in neighboring municipalities of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Article
- Weathering of volcanic tuff rocks caused by moisture expansion Article