selected publications
- Obtaining orange juice–maltodextrin powders without structure collapse based on the glass transition temperature and degree of polymerization [Obtención de polvos de jugo de naranja-maltodextrina sin colapso estructural basado en la temperatura de transición vítrea y grado de polimerización]. CYTA - Journal of Food. 16:61-69. 2018-01-01
- Preparation and Characterization of High Purity Anhydrous β -Lactose from α -Lactose Monohydrate at Mild Temperature. International Journal of Polymer Science. 2018:-. 2018-01-01
- Chemical, Thermal and Physical Characterization of Inulin for its Technological Application Based on the Degree of Polymerization. Journal of Food Process Engineering. 40:-. 2017-01-01
- Physical properties of inulin and technological applications. Polysaccharides: Bioactivity and Biotechnology. 959-984. 2015-01-01