selected publications
- Synergy of Landsat, climate and LiDAR data for aboveground biomass mapping in medium-stature tropical forests of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico [Sinergia de datos espectrales Landsat, climáticos y LiDAR para el mapeo de biomasa aérea en selvas medianas de la península de Yucatán, México]. Revista Chapingo, Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente. 27:383-400. 2021-01-01
- LiDAR data transects: A sampling strategy to estimate aboveground biomass in forest areas [Transector de datos LiDAR: Una estrategia de muestreo para estimar biomasa aérea en áreas forestales]. Madera y Bosques. 25:-. 2019-01-01
- Locating Potential Zones for Cultivating Stevia rebaudiana in Mexico: Weighted Linear Combination Approach. Sugar Tech. 19:206-218. 2017-01-01
- Modelling site selection for tree plantation establishment under different decision scenarios. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 27:298-313. 2015-01-01
- Mapping aboveground biomass by integrating geospatial and forest inventory data through a k-nearest neighbor strategy in North Central Mexico. Journal of Arid Land. 6:80-96. 2014-01-01
- Value-at-risk-estimation in the Mexican stock exchange using conditional heteroscedasticity models and theory of extreme values [Estimación del valor en riesgo en la bolsa mexicana de valores usando modelos de heteroscedasticidad con-dicional y teoría de valores extremos]. Economia Mexicana, Nueva Epoca. 22:177-205. 2013-01-01
- Construction of aboveground biomass models with remote sensing technology in the intertropical zone in Mexico. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 22:669-680. 2012-01-01
- Forest Cover mapping in north-central Mexico: A comparison of digital image processing methods. GIScience and Remote Sensing. 49:895-914. 2012-01-01
- Mapping leaf area index and canopy cover using hemispherical photography and spot 5 HRG data: Regression and k-nn [Mapeo del índice de área foliar y cobertura arbórea mediante fotografía hemisférica y datos spot 5 HRG: Regresión y k-nn]. Agrociencia. 45:105-119. 2011-01-01
- Empirical-based hydrologic modeling of the 100-year return period of overland flow in the Rio Grande watershed, Tlalchapa, Guerrero, using two land use scenarios [Modelación hidrológica empírica del gasto de 100 años de periodo de retorno del Río Grande, Tlalchapa, Guerrero en dos escenarios de uso del suelo]. Agrociencia. 43:333-344. 2009-01-01
- Mapping aboveground tree carbon in managed Patula pine forests in Hidalgo, México [Mapeo de carbono arbóreo aéreo en bosques manejados de pino Patula en Hidalgo, México]. Agrociencia. 43:209-220. 2009-01-01