selected publications
- Open- And short-circuit fault identification for a boost DC/DC converter in PV MPPT systems. Energies. 11:-. 2018-01-01
- A Model-Based Strategy for Interturn Short-Circuit Fault Diagnosis in PMSM. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 64:7218-7228. 2017-01-01
- Fault diagnosis scheme for open-circuit faults in field-oriented control induction motor drives. IET Power Electronics. 6:869-877. 2013-01-01
conference paper
- A new strategy for detection and isolation of stator faults in PMSM. 2015 16th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2015. -. 2016-01-01
- A signal-based strategy for interturn short-circuit fault diagnosis in PMSMs [Una estrategia basada en modelo de señal para el diagnóstico de cortocircuitos entre espiras en MSIP]. 2016 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2016. 1256-1263. 2016-01-01
- Analysis and validation of a dynamic model for PMSM with stator fault. 2015 16th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2015. -. 2016-01-01
- Model-based Fault Detection and Isolation in a MPPT BOOST converter for photovoltaic systems. IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference). 2189-2194. 2016-01-01
- Effects of stator winding interturn short-circuit in permanent magnet synchronous motors [Efectos del cortocircuito entre espiras en máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes]. 2014 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2014. 531-536. 2014-01-01
- Relaxed fault conditions for stator short-circuit fault isolation in induction motors. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). 1400-1405. 2012-01-01