selected publications
- Resilience and creativity in teenagers with high intellectual abilities. A middle school enrichment experience in vulnerable contexts. Sustainability (Switzerland). 12:-. 2020-01-01
- How does the type of task influence the performance and social regulation of collaborative learning?. International Journal of Higher Education. 7:28-42. 2018-01-01
- The post-television music video. a methodological proposal and aesthetic analysis [El videoclip postelevisivo actual. propuesta metodológica y análisis estético]. Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social. 71:332-348. 2016-01-01
- Support for self-regulation in learning complex topics from multimedia explanations: Do learners need extensive or minimal support?. Instructional Science. 41:539-553. 2013-01-01
- Fostering active processing of instructional explanations of learners with high and low prior knowledge. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 26:435-452. 2011-01-01
- Are instructional explanations more effective in the context of an impasse?. Instructional Science. 37:537-563. 2009-01-01
conference paper
- The function of concept mapping in hypermedia-based tutoring. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 215-228. 2016-01-01