selected publications
- Fractional-order controllers for irrational systems. IET Control Theory and Applications. 15:965-977. 2021-01-01
- Analytical solution of the Pennes equation for burn-depth determination from infrared thermographs. Mathematical Medicine and Biology. 27:21-38. 2009-01-01
- Efecto en la Hidrodinámica y transferencia de calor del desfasamiento entre placas de un intercambiador de calor de placas onduladas. Interciencia. 26:383-389. 2001-01-01
- Estudio de los Parámetros que Afectan la Transferencia de Calor Conjugada en Intercambiador de Calor de Tubos y Placas-aleta. Interciencia. 26:321-326. 2001-01-01
- Effect of fin spacing on convection in a plate fin and tube heat exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 43:39-51. 1999-01-01
- Effect of distance between fins on the hydrodynamics in a fin-tube heat exchanger. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED. 247:3-6. 1998-01-01
- Enhancement of heat transfer in an inviscid-flow thermal boundary layer due to a Rankine vortex. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 41:3829-3840. 1998-01-01
- Effect of tube-to-tube conduction on plate-fin and tube heat exchanger performance. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 40:3909-3916. 1997-01-01
conference paper
- Fractional-PDμ controllers for irrational systems. 2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2019. 13-18. 2019-01-01
- Parametric study of conjugate heat transfer in a plate-fin and tube heat exchanger. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD. 129-137. 2001-01-01
- Vortex-induced enhancement of heat transfer in a thermal boundary layer. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper). -. 1996-01-01