Phase separation and dynamical arrest of protein solutions dominated by short-range attractions Article uri icon


  • The interplay of liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) and dynamical arrest can lead to the formation of gels and glasses, which is relevant for such diverse fields as condensed matter physics, materials science, food engineering, and the pharmaceutical industry. In this context, protein solutions exhibit remarkable equilibrium and non-equilibrium behaviors. In the regime where attractive and repulsive forces compete, it has been demonstrated, for example, that the location of the dynamical arrest line seems to be independent of ionic strength, so that the arrest lines at different ionic screening lengths overlap, in contrast to the LLPS coexistence curves, which strongly depend on the salt concentration. In this work, we show that the same phenomenology can also be observed when the electrostatic repulsions are largely screened, and the range and strength of the attractions are varied. In particular, using lysozyme in brine as a model system, the metastable gas-liquid binodal and the dynamical arrest line as well as the second virial coefficient have been determined for various solution conditions by cloud-point measurements, optical microscopy, centrifugation experiments, and light scattering. With the aim of understanding this new experimental phenomenology, we apply the non-equilibrium self-consistent generalized Langevin equation theory to a simple model system with only excluded volume plus short-range attractions, to study the dependence of the predicted arrest lines on the range of the attractive interaction. The theoretical predictions find a good qualitative agreement with experiments when the range of the attraction is not too small compared with the size of the protein.

publication date

  • 2023-01-01