Output voltage regulation of a fuel cell/boost converter system with uncertain load: An adaptive PI-PBC approach Article uri icon


  • In this article, we consider the problem of voltage regulation of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell connected to an uncertain load through a boost converter. We show that, in spite of the inherent nonlinearities in the current-voltage behavior of the fuel cell, the voltage of a fuel cell/boost converter system can be regulated with a simple proportional-integral (PI) action designed following the passivity-based control approach. The system under consideration consists of a DC–DC converter interfacing a fuel cell with a resistive load. We show that the output voltage of the converter converges to its desired constant value for all the systems initial conditions—with convergence ensured for all positive values of the PI gains. This latter feature facilitates the, usually difficult, task of tuning the gains of the PI. An immersion and invariance parameter estimator is afterward proposed which allows the operation of the PI passivity-based control when the load is unknown, maintaining the output voltage at the desired level. The stable operation of the overall system is proved and the approach is validated with extensive numerical simulations considering real-life scenarios, where robust behavior in spite of load variations and the presence of noise is obtained.

publication date

  • 2023-01-01