A proposal for an instrument to assess the willingness to change regarding covid-19 [Propuesta de un instrumento para evaluar la disposición al cambio respecto al covid-19] Article uri icon


  • The objective was to design and validate an instrument to assess the willingness to change behavior during the covid-19 pandemic in Mexican population. The sample was made up of 214 participants (73.3%25 [n = 157] women and 26.6%25 [n = 57] men). The mean age of the participants was 32.01 (SD = 13.48). An adaptation of the URICA (University of Rhode Island Change Assessment) scale was applied, whose reliability was evaluated with Cronbach\%27s alpha coefficient and the internal structure of the dimensions with an exploratory factor analysis. The final scale resulted in 17 items with moderately acceptable reliability: precontemplation α = 0.501, explaining 19.27%25 of the total variance; contemplation α = 0.586, explaining 34.94%25; action α = 0.658, explaining 46.17%25; and maintenance α = 0.672, explaining 30.95%25. It was demonstrated that the proposal is reliable, with a structure that evaluates the willingness to change behavior in the covid-19 pandemic in Mexican population.

publication date

  • 2023-01-01