publication venue for Geopolymeric Composite Materials Made of Sol-Gel Silica and Agroindustrial Wastes of Rice, Barley, and Coffee Husks with Wood-Like Finishing. 14:-. 2022-01-01 Outage Probability Analysis and Transmit Power Optimization for Blind-Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Uplink. 14:-. 2022-01-01 Applying lean healthcare to improve the discharge process in a mexican academic medical center. 13:-. 2021-01-01 The impact of hydrogen on a stationary gasoline-based engine through multi-response optimization: A desirability function approach. 13:1-19. 2021-01-01 Resilience and creativity in teenagers with high intellectual abilities. A middle school enrichment experience in vulnerable contexts. 12:-. 2020-01-01 Environmental impacts of energy saving actions in an academic building. 11:-. 2019-01-01